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Windsor, Eton & District Newsletter No11 Winter 2023

The Newsletter covers; Chris Turner's presidential dinner, RWHA Trip to Sweden, RDA Charity Donation, Gander & White's 90th Anniversary

Windsor, Eton & District Newsletter No10 Winter 2019

The Newsletter covers; Douglas Hill 35 years Summer Party, President's Evening,  Peter Darville 50 years, Derek Bishop, New members. 

Windsor, Eton & District Newsletter No9 Summer 2019

The Newsletter covers; Tribute to Karl-Ludwig Rehse MVO, The AGM & President's Weekend, Plate Raffle, Quiz Night, New members. 

Windsor, Eton & District Newsletter No8 Winter 2018

The Newsletter covers; The Annual Dinner & President's Weekend with guest speaker Lord David Puttnam.

Windsor, Eton & District Newsletter No7 Summer 2018

The Newsletter covers; The Royal Wedding at Windsor, Windsor President's Summer Reception, Dege & Skinner, Cleave and Company, Environmental visit, Pub Quiz, RWH Charity donation.

Windsor,Eton and District Newsletter No6 Spring 2018

The Newsletter covers; The Association's member Cleaves bespoke Royal engagement ring for Prince Harry, Member profile Royal Images, Adrian Benge news, Twinings Tea Party and Factory Tour.

Windsor,Eton and District Newsletter No5 Winter 2017

The Newsletter covers; The Association's President's Annual Dinner at Windsor Guildhall, Rounders, Archive Photographs, Member profile Town and Country Fine Foods

Windsor,Eton and District Newsletter No4 Summer 2017

The Newsletter covers; The Association's President's Reception at Dorney Lake, Women's Networking Breakfast at The Goring, Member profile Hypnos Beds.

Windsor,Eton and District Newsletter No3 Winter 2016/17

The Newsletter covers; The Association's 'inspirational' Annual Dinner at Coworth Park, a tribute to Alan Britten CBE, The Chain of Office, Eton College Library and record numbers of New members.

Windsor, Eton & District Newsletter No2 Summer 2016

The Newsletter covers; The Association's presentation to the Queen, Events including Windsor President's Reception, Windsor Summer Reception, Steam Engine Weekend at Fawley Hall, Awards to Karl-Ludwid Reshe MVO, Baron Price, an obituary of Sir Richard George and Buckingham Palace Garden Party.

Windsor, Eton & District Newsletter No1 Spring 2016

The Newsletter covers; constitutional changes, forthcoming social events, Association Events and Dinners.

© 2020 Windsor, Eton & District Royal Warrant Holders Association 

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